What's in her bag? Guest Post: Main Street Chic

I feel so honored to introduce my next guest poster, Main Street Chic! Emily, a fellow O-Stater (whoop, #2 in the Nation, sorry) and awesome blogger, who shares great tips on fashion and updates on her fun projects.

Here are two of my favs she's done lately...

Without further ado, here's what's in her bag! Take it away Emily...

Hello Three Pink Dot-ters! So happy to see ya'll today and so happy lovely Lauren included me on this super-fun series! So, without further ado.... here are the treasures (ha!) that can be found in my bag on any given day.

1. First off- gotta say how much I love Big Buddha bags. I call the bags I carry around on a day-to-day basis my 'bang around bags.' I just don't like to use my nicer bags to schlep stuff around. Big Buddha bags are really great quality. I can be really hard on them and they last forever- great price point, too! This one is cute. So is this one.

2. Can't live without my planner. I am old school and still love writing everything down and crossing it off. PaperSource makes my planner of choice. It has room for notes, includes stickers for special occasions and even has a place for lists of 'where to eat' and 'websites to check out.' I just got my 2012 one in the mail and it made me so happy! It's the little things. 

3.  Yes, I am still living in the early 2000's with this phone. I am (finally) getting an Iphone next month. I just feel wasteful for getting a new phone if the one I have still works.... I'm over that now, though. It's time to move on.

4. LOVE my Ray-Ban aviators. A gift from my sweet Hubs.

5. This pouch is affectionately referred to as 'lipgloss jubilee', a term that was created by a college BFF. You can never have too many lipgloss options. All time favs? Clinique Long Last Glosswear in Tenderheart and Mac LipGlass in Lust.

6. This is my 3rd wallet like this from Target. Fits all my stuff, keeps me organized, lasts forever. Thanks, Tar-jay.

7. Notepad from my Momma. On the cover, it has the much quoted but still so true phrase: "Keep Calm and Carry On." Super helpful for jotting down any of the crazy thoughts/ideas/lists that enter into my head on a daily basis. 

8. Mentos gum/Binaca. 

9. Because I wanted to keep it real- these items were really in my purse when I went to write this. Paint swatches and a paint can opener from the latest project. 

10. Clean and Clear oil absorbing sheets- no one likes a too-shiny face.

11. Hair teasing comb. Because: "The higher the hair, the closer to God!"

12. I'm the kind of gal who if she doesn't eat every 3-4 hours, you don't want to be around her cranky butt. My friend in Houston turned me on to ThinkThin Bars. I LOVE THEM. You can buy them in bulk at Whole Foods. I think the best flavors are creamy peanut butter and chocolate fudge. Yums.

13. I carry anywhere between 5-7 ultra fine point black sharpies. Obviously, they are my pen of choice. 
Not pictured (becaue it was taking the picture)-  I carry my camera everywhere, it's a Canon Powershot. 
Thanks for letting me play, Lauren!! Have a great day everyone :)

xoxo, Emily


Sweet Simplicity said...

I always love these kinds of posts! I'm so nosey. haha. I didn't realize Emily was from OSU or maybe I did and I forgot...hmmm...either way I love it! Go Pokes!

Michelle said...

I love that I am not the only one who likes to throw in the whole #2 thing in conversation... I have been getting some pretty interesting looks lately :)

Lauren Johnson said...

I agree, I'm so nosy too! That's why this post came about! If you knew what was in my purse it would be gum wrappers, loose change, a measuring tape....

Cherisse said...

What a fun post! I love this idea!

AHearts said...

I can't live without my planner either : )


xoxo aley

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