Big News - TV Debut "Design Time"

Hope you all had a great weekend and are looking forward to Turkey Time on Thursday. Here's the big announcement, were your minds churning all weekend? 

Yours truly is soon to be interviewed on the local Wichita KWCH News Channel 12 Eyewitness News, for the early segment, "Design Time" with Lauren Johnson. 

Watch if you can, or set your DVR for those of you morning workers, for Monday, November 28, in the 8 AM hour. I will be chatting with the lovely Kara Sewell on DIY design tips for Holiday Decor! We will be talking about some of the DIY things I used on the Tartan Chic Christmas Table, and things you can place around the house. Of course as soon as the video is live, I will post a link. 

Now, for most important thing: What will I wear?! Just kidding, I have figured it out - which is unusual. Let's hope it comes in today or tomorrow. I'll keep you posted on this vital situation.

This is Lauren Johnson, excited to have a segment, signing off.


skippysays said...

That's so incredibly exciting- congratulations!!

Michelle said...

Yay!!! Congrats, Lauren! I can't wait to see it!

Bianca said...

So So So So excited! DVR set.

Sasha said...

I can't wait to watch design time!!! And see your outfit too!

Coffeetalk said...

Very exciting, congratulations! Am setting the DVR now. -Tiffany Gomez

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