Fa-la-la Christmas Card time...

Last week, Phuoc Ly, a friend of mine that I met while working at the bank, met up with us to do a Christmas card photo shoot. Phuoc, who is also a great banker by day, is an awesome Photographer by weekend. Following his passion of creating a business doing family photos, engagement photos, senior pictures, etc. Phuoc is truly a joy to be around while practicing his craft. 

We brought Bo along for what we thought might be a tricky ride, and it sure was. Mr. Bo did not want to look at the camera, but more at the passing cars, birds in the air, and shards of glass in the downtown streets. Phuoc was so nice to bring Bo's favorite thing, treats... and it helped him focus. 

This is called the fake "Lay Down". 

We decided to try out a new place in downtown Wichita to get a modern take of the "family with the dog in the park" Christmas picture. We found some really neat painted doors, graffiti and trains to play with. Even a fun cage thing, that is really the underworks of an building awning. I wanted to just pack that thing up and take it home. 
 I even had a random idea to do a picture in the middle of the skate park downtown... Well... let's just say the "kids" down there might  not have been under the right influence and did not understand my idea. We took a stab at it... and before we got stabbed, we left. The end. 

 Just to plug a good idea... if you need to get photos done and you live in the Wichita area give Phuoc Ly a call! Yes - you still have time to do Christmas cards. His email is PhuocLy@ymail.com, or give him a call or text at (316) 519-7423.
There was a really cool bus downtown too that we found.
I just wove that wittle face...

He mainly operates off of his Facebook page, where you can see other darling families he has done. Thanks Phuoc for our Christmas pictures and for an adventure downtown with Bo that I will not forget! 


Sweet Simplicity said...

Great pictures! I love the belt you are wearing!

Sasha said...

These are so cute! Can't wait to see the Christmas card!

Bianca said...

Oh my gosh! I love so many I don't know where to begin! I think you wrapped in the leash is my have tho... I think...

ms.composure said...

aw super super cute!!! gr8 pics



Heather said...

Y'all are a gorgeous family!

Lauren Johnson said...

Thanks! I think I might wear that belt a little too much... ha!

Lauren Johnson said...

Thanks Sash! It will be coming your way!

Lauren Johnson said...

Thanks B! That one just really happened, he got a little too excited.

Lauren Johnson said...

Thanks Ms. compsure and Heather!

Megan said...

I am new follower and I love your hair!! I love these pictures and I love the belt with the skirt!!!

Lauren Johnson said...

Oh Megan, thank you!! If you only saw the hair after all that wind you would take back your comment. Thanks for the follow, I need to check out your blog now!

Mimi said...

Great pictures and btw, I love the fake lay down pose....my dog does that too, usually on hard surfaces bc he's so pampered!!

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