Gold Finger...

I happen to have gold fingers quite frequently. Especially when doing this activity. Until I finally realized I should just wear disposable gloves (duh).

This is what I call Golden Walnuts. A fun and easy DIY, that happens to be so purrty around Christmas time. First you start with plain walnuts from the produce section in the grocery store...
Spray with gold spray paint... 

Ta-da! I like to put mine in a glass bell-jar, or open in a vase or bowl. It's also fun to spray some silver and intermix them.  You can also freeze these year after year and re-use. Winner! 
This is when I get Gold Fingers. And people, this stuff does not come off easily. 
 Happy weekend everyone! Let's knock another Christmas party or two off the list shall we?

1 comment:

July said...

I love this idea! what a really neat, and creative way to decorate!

thank you for posting this :)

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