Oh, play me a Fiddle Leaf

Oh thy love for a Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree... FOUND ONE! 

I finally found a Fiddle Leaf, the tree I have been obsessed with in decor lately. Yes, he is a baby, but I love him and one day he will be a great big boy in my living room. Just a little tender love and care is all he needs. 

While in the middle of fiddle finding, I attended a great wedding with the hubs...

And then, found a big boy fiddle leaf for client. 

If you think I'm crazy, look at these pictures. Examples of why I love them so much. 

 Enter need for large basket here.
 OK - this one is unreal. How cool?! "I just need some light so bad....."
 This is what I call Faces & Fiddles, having a grand ol' time in the Dining Room.
Now, you want one huh? Contact me, I will help you scope it out.. especially in Kansas or Oklahoma.


Crazy Wonderful said...

Found your blog while searching out fiddle leaf trees. I want one so badly I can hardly stand it. So glad I clicked on you, your blog is awesome! I too am here in Wichita! Newest follower in the house :D So, where did you finally find the tree?

Lauren Johnson said...

Thanks Shelley!! I'm so glad you stopped by, cause now I have found you! In Wichita?! How great is that?! I will have to check out your blog right now! I found the fiddle leaf at Tree Top on 37th and Woodlawn area. They just got one in this week, which we bought, but might be getting in some more! Good luck!

Lauren Johnson said...

Thanks Shelley!! I'm so glad you stopped by, cause now I have found you! In Wichita?! How great is that?! I will have to check out your blog right now! I found the fiddle leaf at Tree Top on 37th and Woodlawn area. They just got one in this week, which we bought, but might be getting in some more! Good luck!

Michelle said...

I have been dying to have one! Headed to Oklahoma in a couple of weeks... where did you find one there - and don't say Tulsa because I am not going there ;)

Lauren Johnson said...

Michelle, how did you know I was going to say in Tulsa?!!? Ha.. yes I got it in a few places in Tulsa. But I did some research and here's a link I found on the best and not so best nurseries in OKC. Looks like TLC is the best. Let me know what you find!


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