My wonderful sister, blogged about this yesterday... and well, I stole the pics. It's what sisters are for!
Welcome to the world of my sock-bun. This is what I do when I want a big ballerina bun, or really when I am lazy/late for work...etc.
1. Take a sock and cut off the toe. Instead of being like me, choose a sock that is remotely close to your hair color. I know, I do not have zebra striped hair... but it was the closest sock when I first tried this.
2. Roll the sock, until it looks like a donut.
3. This is like a magic trick. Look - a zebra striped donut!
4. Roll-baby-roll. This is where you place your ponytail through the middle of your sock and start rolling the edges under, inside out. Keep on rollin', rollin', rollin'...
Whala... the Sock-Bun!
{* Disclaimer - For all the mean people out there who like to comment anonymously, yes... I know it's Voila, but Whala is more fun. And I'm going to leave it. Kwit being so ceerious.}
I hope you all try this... I like to wear it low and sophisticated or high for style and drama. Let me know what you thinky.
Photos via Sarah Baker Photography
This is basically the most amazing thing ever! I am trying this immediately.
I have always wondered how people get such big buns. Thanks for sharing!!
This is fab. Some trick better than the spin pin?
Oh my gosh. I'm getting out a sock ASAP.
Wonder if it works on baby fine hair.
I bet if I big sexy root spray it to death it will be teased
into sock bun submission. Hooray!
Ha! I love this! I wish I hadn't cut my hair so I could give it a shot!
Bianca, you always have a great bun... but now it will be even easier!
You're welcome Lindsey, I'd love to see when you try!
Sasha- I know... I thought my life had changed forever when I met the spin-pin... now my life has changed again.. and this time over a sock! It's also a great party trick too. :)
Jax - You can do it! Well... you just might need a smaller sock. Maybe try one of those slipper socks? Just kidding, I would love to try!
This is amazing!! I'm definitely going to try it. Thanks for sharing!
I have been trying this till my arms hurt and I can't seem to get my hair to stay around the donut. I feel like I am missing part of the trick..haha How about a video?
I've had real success with this and LOVE it. It was hard to figure out how to roll the sock. I think what worked for me was to unroll the sock onto my pony tail (until it looked like my ponytail was wearing a sock) and then did the rolling. A few extra bobby pins secured the few strays I had. Overall this is a WOW!!! I've done both hi and lo buns and they look so cool!
I second the request for a video! I don't know why but I can't picture how you roll it the correct way to get such a perfect big bun. I'm hair clueless!
I'm so glad you had success with it! I'm thinking about the requests to do a video on this, but I haven't done one before so I'm not sure!! :)
Oh PLEASE do a video! hahaha I can't figure out the roll part either. LOL not even the into a donut part. ahahaha But I SO badly wanna do this!! Get your video on girl! ;) LOL
I had not seen it done this way. The way I'd seen before makes a really tight neat bun vs. this way is a little more loose and wispy. The difference is pulling the ponytail all the way through putting the sock close to your head then kinda place your hair all the way around the bun flat. Grab a hair band put it around the entire thing then you can gather the hair that's sticking out and either wrap and pin with bobby pins or braid and wrap. You can also put this on top of your head at night(spraying your hair lightly with water) and get "sock bun curls". I'm going to try it your way tomorrow though. :)
I just found this on Pinterest... amazing! Pretty please do a video tutorial.
buying a donut in your haircolor at sally is always an option, too. that is what i use and they're relatively cheap.
buying a donut in your haircolor at sally is always an option, too. that is what i use and they're relatively cheap.
It will also make pretty curls if you sleep in it. The more your hair is layered, the more curls you have.
i'm still confused, do i just roll the sock down my ponytail
Such a great idea! Thanks for sharing :)
loads of videos here
hope this helps
Idk what is on my head, but it looks nothing like yours.
this just changed my life... :)
Your's is my favorite sock bun of all online! I am pinning it right now to pinterest! Would you mind if I re-posted on my blog? Thanks!!! Also...following you as!
Thanks y'all! Emily, of course you can repost - thanks for stopping by, so glad to have you!! Fun blog you have!
This just did not work for my thin, layered hair. I couldn't get enough hair to wrap around to cover the sick and little hairs were sticking out all over. :(
This is why I love the internets! I remember years and years ago having to look for a hair contraption called a rat, I believe. I never found one, so I, to this day mind you, just hairspray the beejebus out of my hair, rait it like I'm in a White Snake video, and do a notmal chignon that way. turns out poofy, but oi what a hassle. Cannot wait to try this one!!!!
Thanks for sharing! This is so quick & easy! Plus, it holds my hair comfortably & securely all day.
So glad it's working out. If you all have questions email or tweet me. There are tons of videos out there that can help as well.
Regan - I want to see the before and after... send in the White Snake look!
So glad it's working out. If you all have questions email or tweet me. There are tons of videos out there that can help as well.
Regan - I want to see the before and after... send in the White Snake look!
It's spelled "Voila" not "Whala" (Really it's VoilĂ if you know how to make an Ă )
It amazes me that so many people do now know this.
I know it's spelled Voila, I was making a funny. Thanks for being so ceerious, oops I meant serious. And if you are going to make fun of my spelling, well you should probably say everything correctly in your comment.
"It amazes me that so many people do NOT know this", not now. :) That url is a video to what you're describing. The pics make perfect sense after I watched the video. Thanks!
I am having trouble with this. It seems like there is a step do I roll the sock's not catching my hair! :(
Love this!! I just found you from Pinterest, and all because of this super awesome post I'm rushing up to click follow! Can't wait to read more cool tips from you!!
OMG it worked. An attractive hairstyle on MY head, that I did myself. YOU ARE MY HERO!!!
Yay, so glad it's working. Welcome Brooke, so glad to have you!
If you are having trouble rolling it down you have to start with your hair wrapping around and then roll from the inside of the sock down. Clear as mud? Keep trying ! Watch the videos on these comments too, they help.
Instead of cutting up a sock, i've always just rolled up a leg warmer- it works great! :)
"Voila" I think is what you meant
Holy cow this was easy, even with my long hair. Tried this and also some of the other methods on some YouTube demos, but this was hands-down my favorite and easiest. NO pins required and I love the messy look...yet it's up outta my way and comfortably secured. "WHALA"!
You are the bomb-diggity. Thank you for posting! By the way, I ran across you on Pinterest :-)
I first heard about this on pinterest from a youtube video and I gave it a try... however my hair is SUPER thick and layered and I couldn't get it to roll right with 1 bun so I ended up doing two and looked like a scary Princess Leia! :( And the buns weren't that great. Thought I'd see if anyone has a suggestion
I'm new to your blog, and found this post on pinterest. Even though I'm realizing I'm WAY behind the times, I have to tell you, I love this! Worked on the second try (and the first try worked too, but not as securely), and it feels so comfortable! Yay for no pins! Thanks so much, I'm definitely going to be following along now!
This has been a military tradition for years. It's how we all are told to wear our hair from day 1 in basic training. More form fitted to the head though for a sleeker look . But if anyone is having trouble with it and know a female military member, just ask. That way you could get a more hands on experience. Just my 2 cents! :). Great post though!!
Cool idea and looks great. Going to try it with my hair. my hair goes down the middle of my back but buns i make always look like they're lacking.
(oh and btw, its 'voila' not 'whala')
Your sock bun is wicked and I'm doing it TO-NIGHT. Been thinking about the bun all day lol
I'm totally hair incompetent and this worked so easily! I love it.
Thank you!
The sock bun saved my life while I was in the military (years ago). Especially boot camp!
Finally! Now men aren't the only ones who have their own secret use for old socks!
I really love this, but I'm having trouble because my hair is long and has tons of layers. Any tips?
I think I'm stupid too because I don't get it either. Got my sock rolled up, then what? explain it to me like I don't speak hair and am an idiot.
Specialty dance stores sell a 'whirl' product for way too much $$$ for a piece of plastic to do the same thing! THANK YOU so much for posting this!
I just tried this on my six year old. I am amazed! She looks adorable. Thanks for posting.
Did two people seriously still make comments about your whala? Sheesh!!!
On a better note, love this and I'm so happy w how my hair turned out!
This is really cute! If you damp your ponytail then roll it before you go to bed and take it out when you wake up, it will be super curly!!!
Many military women have been doing this for years. It really is amazing and simple! =)
Great idea! I wonder if a baby leg warmer will work so I don't have to ruin a sock! So gonna try this :)
So I watched one of the videos with the funny unprepared girl and thought, "No WAY will this ever work with my little-shorter-than-shoulder-length-ringlet-curly hair". But seriously, I tried it anyway. The first time? Not so pretty. The second time? I was practically skipping arou d the house, squealing like a little girl because it was so fabulous!! My kids might think I'm a freak, but I have an awesome bun, so who cares?? They think I'm a freak anyway! :)
Awesome! I'm trying it! :) Found you on so props to her.
I love this too! I actually have one in right now, but I'm about to go to bed =) if you spritz your hair with some water before you put the sock in and leave it until your hair dries it creates really pretty curls!
Ok, so I'm a hair dresser and I am dying to not only try this myself but I can't wait to show my clients!! Ubber creative!! LOVE IT, You RAWK. (I to like to spell things wrong on purpose :D)
This is fantastic! I didn't think it would work on my hair, since it's so thin and layered, but it looks great!
I love this!! BUT is there any way you can do a video?? I just couldn't get it to work :(
I love this :)
At first I didn't think it would stay in & I'd have to keep pushing it back up. But it worked perfectly. I loved it & co-workers kept commenting on it. thanks for the tips.
I used to do this when I was in middle school and high school. Its a cheap way to make a bun with out buying one of those bun rollers from the beauty store. You can do it with shorter hair just make a smaller sock roll. To hold my hair down I used to put a hair tie over after pulling the hair down and over the sock roll and use add bobby pins. Now that I'm 28 I think I might go back to doing this.
Hahahaha, so, funny story: I kinda just skimmed the directions, so when I tried doing this, I just grabbed a sock and didn't cut off the toe, so I was so confused with how you made the donut.
Cool Idea!
Yay, can't wait to try it!
PS. I love your whala comment, but I think you meant "voila", not "viola". ;)
Brilliant - I used a baby leg warmer and it was perfect!
Thanks for the great tutorial! Finally a use for that loner sock in my drawer. Just did it and I'm already obsessed.
This is the best tutorial I've seen on this application for a hair bun. I just wish my daughter's hair was long enough for it; would have made for a better hair night at her dance recital last week. Thanks again!
You need to do a Video about this because I'm lost
This is my favorite quick style ever! I'm wearing one right now and its even super comfy because it requires no bobby pins :)
You guys should let your hair dry about 75% first, And then put it up...makes GORGEOUS waves when dry!!
I tried this with my hair a little damp and slept in it because I heard the curls you get from this style are amazing. My hair is super fine and never holds a curl so I was really skeptical about the curls it would produce afterward but they turned out gorgeous! It takes a few times to figure out how wet to get your hair so it's dry by the time you need to take it out but the curls last all day and if you brush them out you get beautiful bouncy waves!
In 1985 I was in 4th grade. I was going to have a birthday party and I made my own invitations, All By Myself (my mom wouldn't help me). I wanted to be funny and wrote You're Invited to my Pawty! And boy oh boy I caught hell! No one came and after that, I only had one friend the rest of my time until college...I was way ahead of my time LOL
Don't let the bullies wear you out!
Just found this on Pinterest! I tried it on Thanksgiving Day and got a ton of compliments. Best of all, I sprayed my pony tail with just a little water and the next day I had curls!! I used a smoothing seurm so it wasn't frizzy!
Love how you wore it with a headband! I am a new follower!
Just found you via Pinterest! And I love the whala and the kwit being so ceerious. The English language is just ridiculous sometimes. :)
Cute and easy, I love this! I am totally doing this tomorrow!
I hopelessly failed...The rolling down my hair part didn't go so well. My hair is extremely thick, I couldn't get it all to roll together. Any advice? I so wish I could do this successfully!
To me the donut part reminds me a little of the donut you have to learn to make when getting your first aid card (it's used for head wounds in case anyone wants to know). Perhaps a washcloth or old dishrag might work just as well (The idea of putting a sock in my hair kinda grosses me out)...Regardless, an interesting idea indeed...
P.S. Whala sounds way cooler than Voila anyway (plus "Whala!" kind of brings back nostalgic memories of my childhood)
I love this. I don't have enough hair for it, but maybe later, or even maybe with a fake pony?? I'm your newest follower, you can follow back at
I just said "Whala!" So easy and very cute! I'm a Dermatology nurse..this will be a easy and cute way to keep my hair up! Thanks!
What an ingenious idea! I have tried this a few times, but so far, no dice. I think my hair might be too layered. I will have to try this when my layers grow out a little. Thanks for posting this!
Oh brilliance! I have to try this. Thanks for sharing!
I have no idea how you have done this? cannot understand!! Please post a video :-)
I vote for a video also...I don't understand the roll and roll part at all..I know my hair is too long for this but I'd really like to learn how. Thanks...
PS you have super pretty hair!!
I'll try it. Wonder if my hair is too short?!
I love the sock bun! And I LOVE your hair! How did you get it to such a pretty color?
I might sound stupid, but I don't get it haha...I'd like a video for sure! :)
So this is genious! I have to try it ASAP. Thank you for this tutorial :)
This is fantastic...I just tried it and because I have thicker hair, it was easy. I can see how it would prove more difficult for someone with thin, fine hair. Thanks for the tutorial :)
Oh. My. Gosh. THANK YOU!!! Seriously....I have been trying to figure this out for SO LONG. THIS IS AMAZING! Thank you!!!!
Just did this! (just now) it is AWESOME. no need for bobby pins!! :)
I just did this (really, just now) with my long hair and it worked great! No bobby pins required!!
I Love it! Definitely going to have to give it a try!
I Love it! Definitely going to have to give it a try!
WHALA! You are stunning! I am still trying to perfect the sock bun, I always have 1 area of the sock that hangs out a little.
I love these! I've done them before, but my problem is making them TOO big so it consumes my head.... but they're great for voluminous curls the next day if you start with slightly damp hair!!
This is the secret to how women do their hair in the Military!
ok.. call me a blond or whatever.. but I dont get it.. I mean.. do you have to cut the toe out of a sock??? Im assuming so since you have to pull your hair thru the middle of it... ?
Loving that you fight back when it comes to haters commenting on your spelling. I also hate that! Vulcher, Vulture, whatever! Here's my DIY/craft/recipe/crafty catch all blog!
I love that you used a zebra sock. I'm about to use a really-obvious non-dark sock for my brunette hair! (Although it may not be as cool as blonde hair with zebra showing through.) Thanks!
I just attempted this with my shoulder-length, baby-fine, thin-ish hair and it worked out great. I used a smaller, less fluffy sock and also secured it all around with an elastic. For anyone with similar hair that is struggling, I suggest doing that.
This is Genius!!! Saw it on Pinterest and decided to give it a try pronto. Easiest hair-do ever. Literally took me less than five minutes, and that included finding a sock to use.
Ok so I tried and tried this over and over and the results are the same... it looks like a small animal has made a home in my hair.... What am I doing wrong??
As a girl with thin, fine hair I thought I was forever doomed to have a wimpy looking bun. Until now. This is seriously life changing.
I must be doing something wrong, cause I have tried and tried and its just not working out for me!! SAD FACE :(
I still don't understand how to do this.... is it like a legging? like a sock with no toes? and roll? what? maybe i'm slow to understand, but i dont get it still... boo :(
id love to try this but a video might be easier to follow
OH I am CRYING from laughing @ what "Katie" said about a small animal in her hair!!! SO funny.
Any way I am going to try this on my daughters when they get home from school today. They are B&W mixed so I hope this will work with their texture. LOVE the "whala"!
ps found you on pinterest.
Love it!!! I remember my mother in law telling me about a rag roll that she used in her hair in the 1940's to make the rolled style around the back of her head that was fashionable then. Any ideas how to do that?
You make it look so easy! I hope I can get it to work in my thin hair. My daughter-in-law had to do hers for the Navy, and she does her daughters that way as well for ballet. But, to be honest, I think I enjoyed reading all the comments more, lol. It just amazes me how people will post a comment without fully reading what you wrote, and having the nerve to correct you, and then spelling things wrong themselves, haha. Come on people, quit trying so hard, and just enjoy IT. Thanks for posting this on pintrest!
This is how we done our hair in the Marines. There are easier ways to do it but it doesn't have the "messy" look and that is what I think makes it look so cute :)
FYI -- it's "voila" not "Whala"...
Yes...intentionally misspelling words is super fun.
I don't understand how to roll it down :( I just end up with a mess of tangles and a sock sticking out. help! :(
I just tried a black sock with my red and black hair ad it worked great. My hair is really layered, and I actually used a men's business sock, so the donut was tighter and smaller. I love this!
Amazing soooo gonna try, always trying to find new things to my hair. I work at a salon wanna be one step ahead :)
Just did it on my young daughter's fine hair and it took me a couple tries to figure it out (I'm clueless when it comes to hair)...but I got it! Still, I'd have to secure it with something if she was going to wear it for a long time. Found this on Pinterest.
Now I understand why people ask me if I do the "sock bun" on my daughter hair and all I can answer was NO, that is all her hair (I am Spanish person and my Daughter have a lonnnggg an thick hair so is easy to put it in a bun when she is going to school! anyway now I now what people are talking about! great tutorial!!!!
Thank you for changing my hair life.
P.S. The comment about leaving the sock up and rolling down was very helpful for my loooooong, not so thick hair.
I love that you said whala! Brings back memories of the first time I ever tried to type it out (in like eighth grade probably) and that's how I tried to spell it :) But it's definitely better that way. Great tutorial too!
Just tried the sock trick this morning and it is awesome! So easy...and fast too! Now instead of resorting to the messy bun on days when I don't have time to really do my hair or when I'm feeling lazy, I will use much sleeker than the messy bun!
Hahaha, my husband asked what I was reading, so I showed him. He looked confused and said, "You girls are so silly. Pencils in your hair, socks in your hair... What's next? A cereal bar in your hair? A whole BOWL of cereal in your hair??" Hahaha! I am excited to try this; my buns usually end up all uneven, thicker on one side. We'll see what happens! :)
This is amazing!
I love sleeping with mine in and when i take it out the more I have a full head of curls!!
This is amazing! Thank you so much!
I tried this with a leg warmer because I didn't want to cut up my sock and it works just fine!
This is the first tutorial for a sock bun where I actually get it. Thanks for that! (And I take crap on my blog for saying "wa-la" all the time. Let's face it - I SAY "wa-la" not "voila")
I wish you would do a video. i dont understand how to do the rolling part
You could also place the donut at the base of the ponytail, then spread out your hair then use a rubber band to make the bun, the remaining loose hair just wrap around the base of the bun.
If you do it while your hair is wet and sleep on it, then you will have amazing curls the next day (:
Okay, seriously... I have been trying to do the sock bun for so long and I cannot do it! I'll have to try again after seeing your post, hopefully it will do the trick!
You're super gorgeous! And I envy your sock bun rolling skills! I definitely need to practice mine!
Just wanted to say you're super gorgeous!! And I totally envy your sock bun rolling skills! I definitely need to practice mine!
I love the sock concept but where did you get your jewelry?! I saw someone last night wearing the same pieces in silver but didn't ask very cute. Please let me know!! Thanks.
Can't wait to try this! SO CUTE! I <3 the zebra sock! SCREW the mean b!tches who criticize the WHALA! We all know it's VOILA, but who cares! :O)
You are just the cutest thing ever! Can't wait to try it :)
To all you ladies with super fine hair like me -- I just used the leg of a pair of panty hose and it worked great! I found that with my thin hair, the most difficult and important step was the first roll of hair. Be sure to wrap it equally and evenly around the entire panty hose doughnut! From then on, it's happy rolling!
Great post, thanks!
Did you know that it's VOILA and not WHALA? Hahahahaha....just kidding! Cute tut.
That looks so dang good! I'm going upstairs to cut a sock.
It actually works! lol I always doubt these things but thank you!
Found this on Pinterest. Can't wait to try it!! Thanks for sharing!
Thank You!!! This is fabulous!!! I used a leg warmer instead of a sock - no cutting :) Thanks again!!
I am dying to know if I can have the same whala moment! this might just change my life.....
I do this probably 3 days out of the week I LOVE it! BUT mine always look too perfect, no mess to it, just a smooth donut. It could be because my hair is long and I don't have many layers.
Did your sister tease the top to get a little poof to it, and mess up the bottom? or did she just roll it that fabulously?
Awww so i just watched some of the video on Youtube....and she forgot to add that you have to cut the toe off then you put the hair inside the donut..... pretty important detail :)
I have a lot of layers in my hair and I can never get all the hairs to stay in the sock-bun part. Any suggestions?
I tried this right away! It's good for second day hair! I love it!! :D
This totally works!! The only thing is that I have layers so they kind of poke out but I put in 4 bobby pins and I was good....and I u don't have bobby pins, it is a cute messy bun!! Thanks for the tutorial!!
This is soooo cute!! I have layers and they poke out so I have to use bobby pins but if I'm in a lazy mood... It is a cute messy bun!! :) thanks for the tutorial!! :)
Your so cute with your disclaimer lol
THis is sooooo cool!!!! perfect for school!! :)
Have you ever tried using a hair donut instead of a sock? has them and they are really inexpensive!
I love the sock bun. I use it to make my hair curly. Before rolling the sock on your hair, wet your hair down enough so that it will dry by morning. Then put the sock on and sleep in it and in the morning you will have beautiful curls. I call it the lazy way to get beautiful hair.
u should put a video on here of u putting the sock bun in.
I'm in the military and have long hair this pretty much the only way to do your hair when it's long. It's nice to see a super cute way to do it instead of gel and hair spray and looking like a boy!
I love this and I have super long hair - looks like you might be using like slipper socks
Did we just become best friends, YUP! You made me giggle. Thanks for posting this!
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